Case Studies
The Embedded Lines Company (TENCO)
Tenco is the largest provider of private utility network solutions in New Zealand. They have been serving the property industry since 1998 and manage over 300 networks. In 2019, Axos and Tenco worked together to manage a system overhaul to aid Tenco in BAU efficiency and reduce manual interventions.
To implement a solution to address the complexity of the Tenco business while providing opportunity for future innovation.
This included:
deploying Axos applications into the Tenco tech stack
facilitating seamless integration with third-party services
reduce manual intervention
simplify EIEP3 billing
enhance security in automated processes
old system
database not fit for purpose
operations and processes inadequate for the business complexity.
Both companies took on the mammoth task of not only improving existing processes but deploying and straddling multiple applications together with each system dependent on the other - collectively both companies delivered an outstanding solution.
Delivering the project in an agile method allowed for both Axos and Tenco to bend and adapt to new project deliverables or priorities. A well-managed delivery that kept to deadlines and produced a complex, well integrated and reliable tech stack for Tenco.
The automation and integration between applications and 3rd party systems provided Tenco with the BAU efficiency they were longing for whilst identifying future enhancements that will allow the business to grow and succeed.
Future work/plans
Since our first project in 2019, Axos and Tenco have remained partners in innovation and sustainable solution designs. We have introduced the ability to invoice Customer Networks, NSP level invoicing and Multiple participant management.
Firstgas (FGL)
Based in the energy-rich region of Taranaki, Firstgas is always ready to connect natural gas to homes, businesses and large industries throughout the North Island. Firstgas owns more than 2,500 km of high-pressure gas transmission pipelines and stations that are essential to supplying natural gas to industrial customers throughout the North Island.
To seamlessly provide the company with a cutting-edge billing system and services within a targeted three-month timeframe. This included:
establishing a robust information technology infrastructure
implementing efficient systems
no pre-existing history
limited infrastructure
absence of gas reconciliation and billing processes
newly acquired company
Axos worked with Firstgas to reverse engineer the methodology to produce billing outputs – in essence, figuring out an accurate billing process from their expertise in billing and tariff structures together with copies of previous Firstgas customer invoices. Firstgas wanted to be able to operate as an independent business and ensure accurate billing and compliance. They needed a fully functional, auditable, viable billing system that was completely compliant in a very short space of time and they got that with Axos Systems. They also opted to outsource the entire Billing process to the Tenco Billing team.
Axos Systems’ specialisation in IT systems for the energy and utility sector meant Firstgas could succeed in bringing their business to market with real agility and speed. Providing a service in this manner allowed Firstgas to invoice their customers within the 3-month window and continue to improve in the market.
Future work/plans
The success of this implementation and relationship with Firstgas was highlighted when Firstgas acquired the Eastland Network Company. Firstgas reached out to Tenco and Axos in aid of finding an end-to-end billing solution for the EDB. With Tenco and Axos being preferred partners in this project, we implemented Registry Manager, a Network Billing solution and Billing Service via Tenco, which allows Firstgas to concentrate on innovation within their market.
Firstlight Network (FNL)
Firstlight Network is the electricity lines company for Tairāwhiti and Wairoa, delivering power to nearly 26,000 customers spread across 12,000 square kilometres. FirstGas had been a client of Axos since acquiring their Gas Network in 2016 and highly valued the services that Axos had been providing in conjunction with Tenco since that time, following their acquisition of the Eastland Network they approached us to implement the same for their electricity network.
To implement both an ICP management system and Billing application for Firstlight once acquired by Firstgas, in partnership with Tenco to provide a fully outsourced Billing service.
Legacy processes and systems
Unable to commence a roll out until Overseas Investment Office approval which provided only 1 month for implementation of the system for them.
Feedback concluded that historically they had 2 FTE's running the billing process and signoff for 5 BD's each month - through the outsourced billing model this was removed from within their business. The system was delivered on time and to a high standard with feedback from them that the delivery was on point and provided what they needed - further work has continued to continue to refine the system and product to enable them to continue to enhance their internal process and retire manual process or legacy systems.
This project was completed on time, within budget and to a high standard. There were some challenges as not all of the existing team were privy or aware of the plans that that First Gas Group had for system replacement, automation and outsourcing. Axos proved their capability of a quick delivery/implementation and supporting clients coming into a new market.
Future work/plans
A focus on audit compliance development is currently in the pipeline.

“Thanks for all your support and for a very good outcome!”
— Michael Cooper - Chief Technology & Improvement Officer (Firstlight Network)